Message from WIRC Chairman's Desk

My Dear Students,

“When you are doing any work, do not think of anything beyond. Do it as worship. As the highest worship and devote your whole life to it for the time being.”

— Swami Vivekananda

You have embarked on an incredible journey to qualify as future chartered accountants. The above quote underlines the importance of commitment and devotion to the work that you do. Be it a simple assignment or a class test, give it your best. Don’t let your mind be distracted and you are the only one who can stop yourself from being distracted.

As students of accountancy, you have chosen a path that holds immense responsibility and endless opportunities. Having previously walked the same path as you are on today, I wish to share a few words of motivation that I hope will guide you on this rewarding journey.

First and foremost, never forget that your role goes beyond just crunching numbers. You are the custodians of financial integrity and guardians of transparency. Your work ensures that businesses thrive on solid foundations, economies flourish, and trust prevails. The decisions you make have far-reaching consequences, impacting not just the balance sheets but the lives of people and communities.

In a rapidly evolving digital age, the field of accountancy is undergoing a transformation. Embrace technology and automation as your allies. Equip yourselves with the skills to navigate through the digital landscape and harness its power to drive efficiency and accuracy in your work.

But technology can never replace the human touch. Your ability to analyze, interpret, and communicate the financial story behind the numbers is a skill that will always set you apart. Cultivate your communication skills, as they will enable you to translate complex financial jargon into insights that decision-makers can understand and act upon.

As you progress in your studies and careers, remember that setbacks are part of the journey. As Robert Kiyosaki said, “Successful people don’t fear failure but understand that it’s necessary to learn and grow from.” This is very important because learning doesn’t happen when things are easy. It happens when things get tough and you have to find a way through challenges. Every challenge you face is an opportunity to learn and grow. Your dedication, resilience, and determination in overcoming these hurdles will define your success.

Never underestimate the power of continuous learning. The financial landscape is ever-changing, and staying updated with the latest regulations, standards, and industry trends will be your constant companion. Seek mentorship from experienced professionals, engage in professional development opportunities, and remain open to new ideas.

To ingrain this ethos into our students WICASA ensures that continuous learning becomes an integral aspect of all students. Whether it is academic growth or personal growth, all our programs are created with the goal of helping students grow into rounded professionals who are an asset to the profession, society and country.

Prepare For Job Interviews & Climb Corporate Ladder Fast

WICASA organized a Half Day Students Seminar on how to ‘Prepare for Job Interviews & Climb Corporate Ladder Fast.’ This seminar was a crash course in preparing students for life as a professional, how to conduct yourself in an exemplary manner while avoiding the pitfalls due to inexperience. Topics covered were comprehensive and made students aware how to avoid office politics, get onto the fastrack for promotion and higher salary growth, how to utilise free time after office, when to switch jobs, how to find the right mentor for your professional journey and the importance of networking.


The full day seminar was created with the idea that students should go beyond academics and its applications and learn about real life decisions, growth prospects and careers which could be different from that envisioned. This seminar brought to light how to think like an entrepreneur, learning to build a business in a hyper-competitive market as well as unconventional careers for CA. This event opened the eyes for many participants who felt gratified with various options they could now explore due to a new thought process inspired by this seminar.

Along these lines, I wish to teach the students to realize while working of the impact you can have beyond your spreadsheets. By engaging in ethical practices, upholding integrity, and learning to contribute positively to society, your work holds the potential to drive sustainable practices, champion social responsibility, and contribute to a better world.

In closing, as you embark on this remarkable journey in accountancy, carry with you the spirit of curiosity, the passion for excellence, and the unwavering commitment to making a difference. The world needs accountants like you – professionals who not only balance books but also balance the scales of fairness, honesty, and progress.

On our 77th Independence Day this would be your contribution to elevate your country towards even more greatness.

I have every confidence that each of you will rise to the challenges, embrace the opportunities, and leave an indelible mark on the world of accountancy. I wish you the best of luck on this incredible journey ahead.

CA. Arpit Kabra  

Chairman, WIRC of ICAI