Western India Regional Council of
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

(Set up by an Act of Parliament)

August 9, 2020

Refresher Course on Ind AS - Practical aspects

CA. Kishor Parikh
IND AS 116
CA. Santosh Maller
Ind AS 32, 109 , 107
Case Studies
Case Studies
CA. Santosh Maller
Answer to Queries for 16th August Session
CA. Manan Lakhani
Ind AS102: Share Based Payments, Ind AS40: Investment Property
CA. Manan Lakhani
CA. Parag Kulkarni
Answer to Queries for 23rd August Session
CA. Parag Kulkarni
IND AS 115 Revenue from contracts with Customers
CA. Parag Kulkarni
Fair Value Measurement
CA. Nitish Kirtikar
IND AS 115 Revenue from contracts with Customers
CA. Anand Banka
CA. Mayur Chokshi
Case studies on Ind AS (other than those specifically covered earlier)