Western India Regional Council of
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

(Set up by an Act of Parliament)

August 26, 2022

Refresher Course on Basics of International Taxation

CA. G. Vasudevan
Why and how of International Taxation - Some timeline related discussion, History and Way forward (Latest happenings!). How to read a tax treaty? Framework as regards to OECD and UN model convention, Vienna convention, MLI etc.
CA. Vyomesh Pathak
Taxation of NRI's, Taxation of Resident's Income with specific reference to Overseas Allowances, Capital Gains of ESOP's (sold outside India)
CA. Prerna Peshori
Case Studies and FAQs w.r.t from 15CA /15CB.
CA. Sagar Joshi
Major Articles in the tax treaties and the interpretation of the same and taxability under the Income tax Act.