Western India Regional Council of
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

(Set up by an Act of Parliament)

June 30, 2014

Intensive Study Course on Income Tax

Adv. Ajay Singh
Search & Seizure
Adv. Mandar Vaidya
CA. Anish Thacker
Intensive Course Slide Deck - 2 July 2014
CA. Atul Suraiya
CA. Devendra Jain
CA. H. N. Motiwalla
DRP, Rect., Appeals, Revisions
CA. Kalpesh Katira
Basic Tenets of Taxation, Interpretation of Taxing Statutes
CA. Kiran Nisar
Special Provisions Relating to Certain Income of Non Residents
CA. Sanjay Parikh
Set off and Carry Forward of Losses, Cash Credit, Unexplained Investment, etc.